wow, so alot happens but i'm always too tired to type it.
so lets see....
last friday i got to see Kt for the first time in years. it was akward only because we were both in japan o___o she was pretty much the same Kt and we had a good time. i felt bad though since she lives in a small town and i have Machida nearby with so much shoppings. she met Jake, Mat and some of the Japanese girls. i think all we did was talk nonstop and try on boots. then we went to Yakiniku and i think the guy didnt charge us for our beers XD!~ it was deliciousness.
saturday i went with Jake, Ramone, Justin, and A.J. to the Kirin Brewery factory. which they called "Beer Village" we had fun but all anyone was waiting for was the free beer. i got the Stout which was very good, (i just wish i could find it in stores) and bought some omiyage. however, i was sad the tshirt i wanted only came in L and LL so i got what i THOUGHT was a tote bag. WRONG~!! and i didnt open it until AFTER my two large beers, so needless to say it was hillarious when Sensei and the others found out i had bought an apron when i thought it was a bag. and of course A.J. had to tie it on me. *le sigh*
then later; Alex, Kana, Sakiko, and PChan met us in Yokohama at the Landmark Tower, so we did things there. rode a swirly ride which was hella fun, and the huge ferris wheel. which, by the way, is romantic and gorgeous at night. (they have it in alot of animes where the boy confesses his love on it) interesting to see it in person. then we went to the shopping mall Sakiko works in, wandered around, found interesting things and then ate. stole some ice creams from Jake and fed my boyfriend Sakiko. she's so cute :3 A.J. jumped over some steps like the Kaizoku he is, and we went home. i was home alone that night so i ate the curry my host fam made for me, filled the bathtub all on my own (yay!) and made a Kahlua and Milk and relaxed in the tub ^^ havent done that for awhile since in japan they love baths but they dont really drink anything or light candles.... then i slept.
then yesterda, sunday, i met up with Jake, A.J, Ramone and Justin and we went to HaraJuku, Shibuya and Shinjuku. Jake left before everything. so in HaraJuku we saw like 5 people dressed up, and some cranky japanese mad approached us and guessed off the bat that A.J. was canadian. said he was awesome, then started to talk shit about america, and A.J. was like "uhh well they're all american" pointing to me, Ramone and Justin. but the old fella kept going, saying how we wont let him come to our country and then about how we kill everyone. at that point i was no longer amiused and just walked away. we think he wanted monies but we cant figure out how it would work if he just insulted us?
anywho, the temple was amazing and i took over 40 photos of just the wish blocks. in the japanese temples they always hang these wish blocks, you buy one and fill it out and hang it, and every 3 months or so, they take all the wishes and burn them in a ceremony that makes the wish real. but what was so neat about this place was that there were wishes from every country imaginable. i found german, russian, thai, korean, chinese, japanese, english, french, arabian. it was amazing. and some in english were hillarious, especially ones written by little kids. and many had drawings or lists. i think i might do a project on them, they were particularly inspiring.
then we went to NHK Broadcasting station (Home of Domo-Kun!!!) and it was pretty fun. A.J and i did a dub of an anime together, but i couldnt read the japanese very quickly. it was funny, he played this fat white man who stroked his mustache and i was the Mable the akward and quiet secretary. there were birds and mustache stroking and thats all i remember. then Justin did one (ramone decided he didnt want to join us for the tour) and it was hillarious, he was this little kid that fell from the sky and the second half of his lines he sorta just "domo--nani-------whatever whatever" it was hillllaaarious. then we went to the first Glasses-less 3D movie theatre, which was awesome but hurt your neck, because you had to sit funny to make it work. and the second half was a story with......dundundun... KAIZOKU! it was funny. and ironic. then we went to the store... i wanted the 50$ huge domo soooooooo bad. i still do. but i settled for the tiny one, a washcloth, and a really spiffy lego calendar. which was together 40$ so im still wondering if i shoulda just got the huge domo....
then we met up with ramone and ate at Freshness Burger. which i didnt like as much as Mos Burger and it was hella expensive and small. so we went to Krispy Kreme! and were treated like VIP's, since we wanted 2 dozen donuts. however when we were whisked to the front of the line, they told us we couldnt choose our donuts..... which we later realized.. sucked. since half the donuts we got.. sucked. and they werent fresh. BUT we didnt have to wait forever in line so it wasnt THAT bad. and when we sat down to eat them out on the curb, some random man asked us (in perfect english) if we had any spare donuts. he didnt look like a bum, but it was so random and ballsy that i gave him the plain donut i didnt want, and A.J gave him half of his crueller (which he later regretted)
then we searched for the Oxygen Bar that no longer exsisted... but we saw a man with a monkey! which was interesting...
then we went to the Square Enix store, which was much smaller then anticipated, but awesome none-the-less. and i bought a Cactuar!!! omg ive wanted one for YEARS! ;D! the store was in two sections, the stuffed animals and then the expensive jewelery. and in the jewelery place there was amazing beautiful silver jewelery from all the final fantasies, chrono trigger, kingdom hearts and fullmetal alchemist. they had quite astounding resin models, and the coolest part, was there was a lifesize half-naked sephiroth in the floor under us. he had his one wing and was laying on a bed of glowwy. it was... so... cool...... i will post photos someday.
then we went home. i drank with the host fam, we all got drunk. and watched the new Gundam 00 in japanese. when i woke up this morning i remembered seeing Tieria Erde in a dress.... and thought i dreamt it. since i WAS drunkish. but no.... i remembered it was real and really wanna know wtf was going on? annnnd i decided to skip today because those boys tired me out this weekend. which im now oh-so thankful for. i cleaned alot (which was needed) and started laundry a bit ago.
about half ab hour ago, i went out to the main room to do some drawing (since i have ALOT to finish for christmas >< you people better know how much i loves you! rawr!) but kaede wanted to steal my markers and kept messing me up... which was beyond irritating but she was so cute i couldnt do anything. so she sat in my lap and wanted to see all the colours i had, but i had to be sooo careful because theyre copics.. and expensive... but she was so adamant... but i safely got them away from her, tempting her with chocolate. but then she didnt want the chocolate that took me forever to break apart. so i offered her a Yogurito (her fav) and tried to escape. but no.. she found me. she can open doors now. so the only way i can get her to stop from entering my room is to turn off the light, which she yells "kurai!!!" and runs away. so i go with her to the main room again and decide ill make another kahlua and milk and sit with her for a bit. but as i do so she says that the Yogurito was tasty and she wants another. well i cant, so i tell her "sorry but no". and then she cries. which FINALLY woke up her sleeping parents, since none of the aforementioned things would have taken place had one of them been awake. it was okay though, i'd love to help them out. so as Yusuke woke up, i escaped. and here i am!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Meet Billy

so.. i woke up this morning and used my towel from last night that was laying on the floor of my newly cleaned room, to wipe the make-up off my face so i would be presentable for breakfast. but when i threw the towel carelessly upon the ground once more, a giant cockroach-thing popped out from under it. it was quite massive, so i didnt really want to squish it for fear that i'd have to clean up a puddle of buggy-ooze, so i grabbed my glass cup from last night's wine and put it over him.

i didnt have time to figure out what to do with him, so i left him there as i hurried off to school. i thought about him in class... i wondered "how long could a buggy live with a glass full of air?" and "i wonder if the sugar from the wine tastes good?" when i got home i was sort of... glad.. to find him alive. it was almost like having a pet. i considered keeping him, and feeding him M'n'M's or Skittles, but then i realized.... he's just a yucky buggy.

so, in honor of him, i named him Billy, after my favourite Power Ranger, then put a piece of paper under his House and carried him off to the Totoro Toilet where i flushed him to his eternal grave.
so may you rest in peace, Dear Billy, and may your family not come to my room seeking revenge.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
why obama.... whyyyy...
that's a terrible birthday present, if i wanted disappointment i'd take off the pants from a japanese boy <<
that's a terrible birthday present, if i wanted disappointment i'd take off the pants from a japanese boy <<
Monday, November 3, 2008
damn you Nikko >D
let me first explain the series of events over the past two days.
so, i was going on a trip with some friends, i was just happy that they planned it out and figured out how to get there so that i didnt have to, but i didnt realize how far we were really going until it was too late. so we were going to Nikko, which is like.... far.... and all i knew was that they had onsen and i wanted to go. (the hot springs) since it was a birthday wish, i was all but too glad to attend. SO! first, we ride trains for like, ever, starting from 7.30-like 2 or 3, which was long and drawn out, but we were still okay. (by "we" i mean three friends from school, A.J the Canadian, Jake, and Justin). so, we finally arrive at like 2.30 ish and all the shrines close at 4, so we walk forevers up to the first shrine, which, surprizingly, was the same shrine i fell in love with four years ago when i visited japan, Toshogu Shrine. it was gorgeous, like it was last time, and we ended up spending a few hours there. we also got in line to climb up this 218 stair-rediculousness to get to something unknown, which ended up being a wish box, a bell, a statue of a crane with a fish in its mouth, and a souvinir stand. -____-;; so, i made three wishes. bought my dad and larissa a "have a good marraige!" thing, and we climbed back down the incredibly steep 218 steps.
so we see more pretties, and then decide, "hey! what about the onsen?" so we get on a bus that some very helpful japanese women tell us will only take 17, or 70 minutes (we couldnt tell) and head for the onsen! we climbed that god-damned mountain for over three hours. it was the worst traffic jam i have ever seen in my life. when we came down that same mt. this mornin, it took like 11 minutes. it was hell. we were starving, cold, and didnt know where we were going to sleep, because the bus we were on that night was the LAST ONE until morning. so! we get to our destination, have a celebration dance that we survived (after hours of slowly going mad) and get some food. the food sucked and was overpriced, but it was warm and food-like. so then i leave with Jake, so we can pose as a "couple" and get a room in a hotel that we can later sneak the other two into. however, every-single-hotel was booked. "ippai!" but one hotel night-manager was particularly helpful, until he had to lock the doors at 12 and asked us politely to leave. so we did... and we were prepared to sleep in the toilets at the bus station, when my host family becomes God's Angels and find us a room. it was a shitty hotel, the dirtiest thing i've ever seen in japan. but it was warm, had beds for each of us (seperate thank goodness) and an onsen. an onsen! it wasnt the BEST onsen... but i got an onsen for my birthday! it was so scary when we thought we had to sleep on the cold ground outside, that when we got that room (which, they put us in the T.V. Room) we didnt mind when we chased a half-cricket-half-cockroach thing out of our room. we did it with smiles.
we used the onsen, then passed out. i woke up happy, and thinking "yay! this wasnt so bad afterall!" and we went and saw a couple more sights before ultimately, heading back down the mountain on the bus again, at around 11. now, we went DOWN the mt. at top speed (which felt like a roller coaster because of all the sharp turns) so we thought "hey, we can make it!" however, when we reached the bottom of the mt. , the same friggin traffic jam appeared and all hope was lost. so we get out early so we can get to a 7/11 (which, ironically, is the only place other then a post office that i can use an ATM in japan), and then we walk. we walk forever.... to get to the eki (station) so we can go home. we finally make it and ride the train for 3 hours. then another hour. and another.... so i was on trains and buses for a total upwards of 8 hours today. yay.... and i felt really bad about not being able to talk to dad, or David... it sucked.
but... when i got home and found the box David sent me, which my host family said was from my dad originally, my heart melted. it made me so happy i cant even describe. and then my host family took me out to an amazing dinner with live piano music, and they played all my favourite classical melodies, it was amazing. so i got home now, and am about to take a shower and go to bed, and i had to get creative with a vase for the flowers (apparently "budou" is rose in japanese) so i cut the top off of a Matsuya Cider plastic jug and make it work >3 and now they are sitting, gorgeously, upon my desk.
and maybe i will talk about Tokyo Disney when i come home early tomorrow for my nap. because i am friggin tired.
so, i was going on a trip with some friends, i was just happy that they planned it out and figured out how to get there so that i didnt have to, but i didnt realize how far we were really going until it was too late. so we were going to Nikko, which is like.... far.... and all i knew was that they had onsen and i wanted to go. (the hot springs) since it was a birthday wish, i was all but too glad to attend. SO! first, we ride trains for like, ever, starting from 7.30-like 2 or 3, which was long and drawn out, but we were still okay. (by "we" i mean three friends from school, A.J the Canadian, Jake, and Justin). so, we finally arrive at like 2.30 ish and all the shrines close at 4, so we walk forevers up to the first shrine, which, surprizingly, was the same shrine i fell in love with four years ago when i visited japan, Toshogu Shrine. it was gorgeous, like it was last time, and we ended up spending a few hours there. we also got in line to climb up this 218 stair-rediculousness to get to something unknown, which ended up being a wish box, a bell, a statue of a crane with a fish in its mouth, and a souvinir stand. -____-;; so, i made three wishes. bought my dad and larissa a "have a good marraige!" thing, and we climbed back down the incredibly steep 218 steps.
so we see more pretties, and then decide, "hey! what about the onsen?" so we get on a bus that some very helpful japanese women tell us will only take 17, or 70 minutes (we couldnt tell) and head for the onsen! we climbed that god-damned mountain for over three hours. it was the worst traffic jam i have ever seen in my life. when we came down that same mt. this mornin, it took like 11 minutes. it was hell. we were starving, cold, and didnt know where we were going to sleep, because the bus we were on that night was the LAST ONE until morning. so! we get to our destination, have a celebration dance that we survived (after hours of slowly going mad) and get some food. the food sucked and was overpriced, but it was warm and food-like. so then i leave with Jake, so we can pose as a "couple" and get a room in a hotel that we can later sneak the other two into. however, every-single-hotel was booked. "ippai!" but one hotel night-manager was particularly helpful, until he had to lock the doors at 12 and asked us politely to leave. so we did... and we were prepared to sleep in the toilets at the bus station, when my host family becomes God's Angels and find us a room. it was a shitty hotel, the dirtiest thing i've ever seen in japan. but it was warm, had beds for each of us (seperate thank goodness) and an onsen. an onsen! it wasnt the BEST onsen... but i got an onsen for my birthday! it was so scary when we thought we had to sleep on the cold ground outside, that when we got that room (which, they put us in the T.V. Room) we didnt mind when we chased a half-cricket-half-cockroach thing out of our room. we did it with smiles.
we used the onsen, then passed out. i woke up happy, and thinking "yay! this wasnt so bad afterall!" and we went and saw a couple more sights before ultimately, heading back down the mountain on the bus again, at around 11. now, we went DOWN the mt. at top speed (which felt like a roller coaster because of all the sharp turns) so we thought "hey, we can make it!" however, when we reached the bottom of the mt. , the same friggin traffic jam appeared and all hope was lost. so we get out early so we can get to a 7/11 (which, ironically, is the only place other then a post office that i can use an ATM in japan), and then we walk. we walk forever.... to get to the eki (station) so we can go home. we finally make it and ride the train for 3 hours. then another hour. and another.... so i was on trains and buses for a total upwards of 8 hours today. yay.... and i felt really bad about not being able to talk to dad, or David... it sucked.
but... when i got home and found the box David sent me, which my host family said was from my dad originally, my heart melted. it made me so happy i cant even describe. and then my host family took me out to an amazing dinner with live piano music, and they played all my favourite classical melodies, it was amazing. so i got home now, and am about to take a shower and go to bed, and i had to get creative with a vase for the flowers (apparently "budou" is rose in japanese) so i cut the top off of a Matsuya Cider plastic jug and make it work >3 and now they are sitting, gorgeously, upon my desk.
and maybe i will talk about Tokyo Disney when i come home early tomorrow for my nap. because i am friggin tired.
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