Wednesday, September 17, 2008

kids shows

so i've been watching childrens shows this morning since i really didnt want to leave my bed, and i've come to the conclusion that childrens shows dont get any money XD; unlike the gameshows, which are all lights and crazy shiny things. the first show was like, the backyard version of sesame street. first i was delighted with a floating head of a japanese man on a green background which repeated " Ni Ni Ni Ni~~ NUNUNUNUNUNUNUNU.. Me..... Me.... Me...... PAN~!!!!" i was amused. but then, instead of muppets, they had a paper cup turned upside down with faces drawn on it. he rode a bus. and now is some form of childrens power rangers, except they only wear coloured spandex with a pokey thing coming out of their heads, and the bad-guy wears a ronin outfit made of cardboard and painted black, with a red grass skirt around his neck.... i think it's because they spent their entire budget on the main characters suit, since its like a giant... alien thing.. that will most definately give me nightmares......


Kim said...

That is hilarious! I can't imagine any tv execs pitching the idea of a paper cup turned upside down with faces drawn on it!! (I thought my budget was tight)! LOL!!

Anonymous said...

LOL! Kid shows are fun.