Thursday, October 16, 2008

10 - Pas Si Simple


i realize more and more that i'm more of an outcast here as well. i hang out with alot of people but really, i think im akward. it's been awhile for me to be around so many people, and it's rather overwhelming. i usually am a people hater, but everyone here is so interesting, so all i want to do is spend time with everyone, but it's still strange for me hah.. i miss being able to hang out with some of the best friends i made here. (for various reasons)

i downloaded the Amelie soundtrack, i missed it so much. it reminds me of all the happiest things ever! that movie is so cute.

another thing that bothers me a bit, is alot of people's mom's are like, really into facebook and checking on their kids. it makes me jealous XD;; just makes me think about sad things i really would rather not type here. but, i have discovered that finding jewelry stores in japan is difficult.

i dunno, i just think i've been thinking about alot of serious things because partly, i've more time now that i am in level 1, and also learning more about the people here.

i am also sad that i am going to miss my father's wedding, i really love Larissa, his fiancee. i only got to spend a few weeks with her before i came to japan, but im so happy my father finally has a woman who can treat him like a human being ^^; he really doesnt know how to handle it though and its hella cute.


lol--- great timing

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OOO! Congratulations to your father! I think I may have heard that he was engaged, but I wasn't sure. ^_^ That's so sweet! I'm so glad to hear it.